How To Handle Failure?
Every now and then, during our seminars, I meet someone who tells me “Oh Yogesh, things are different for you. You are successful. You won’t understand what I am going through. Life is tough and I have failed so many times, that I want to give up. I have no hope left.” Most people see only the face of success. They see the cheering, the applause, the awards, the fame, the wealth – just the parts that look attractive and appealing. They don’t see what goes behind the success. They don’t see the struggle, they don’t see the failures, the pain, the hurt, the sleepless nights, the rejection, the frustrations and people all around saying, “What makes you think you can do it?” Almost everyone who has succeeded and is at the top has gone through this journey. It doesn’t matter who this person is – the journey is filled with struggle, challenges and people telling you “Don’t even try! You will fail!” I have failed so many times. And every time I have failed, I have tol...